Podtor Whocast Presents: American Doctor Who

Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast Presents: American Doctor Who

In September of 2021, David, Michel and Nathan got together and spent five hours discussing what Doctor Who would look like had it been the product of American television. Months later, and after some online requests, they sat down and recorded an overview of that original conversation. Join us, as we break down the history of Doctor Who, ABC’s crowning achievement.

It is important to note that this episode and any related material is purely speculative fiction and is not to be taken as an admission of fact. Likewise, it is important to note that any material used in this episode not directly recorded by us does not belong to us nor do we claim ownership of it. You can follow us @podtorwhocast on Twitter, and you can subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Podcasts. Be sure to leave a review!

Also: grab an exclusive PDF below, where you’ll find the original 5-ish hour conversation that sparked this episode, as well as some (fake) oral history stuff AND cast lists for almost all of our Doctors!

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