Podcast: Podtor Whocast

Doctor Who S1E4/5 – Aliens of London/World War Three

Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast
Doctor Who S1E4/5 - Aliens of London/World War Three

David and Michel talk about the Slitheen, extol the joys of fart noises, and ask why the Beatles haven’t been featured (properly) in an episode yet.

Doctor Who S1E3 – The Unquiet Dead

Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast
Doctor Who S1E3 - The Unquiet Dead

David and Michel talk about New Who’s first foray into the past, as well as how the Gelth need to “log the heck off” and how much that new Dracula sucked.

Doctor Who S1E2 – The End of the World

Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast
Doctor Who S1E2 - The End of the World

David and Michel are joined by Adam to talk about one of the most expensive episodes of Doctor Who ever made, as well as the costs of keeping verified bops in every home media release, what makes the Face of Boe a friend to many, and the Moxx of Balhoon’s brother.

Doctor Who S1E1 – Rose

Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast
Doctor Who S1E1 - Rose

David and Michel are joined by Evie (@LeftEvie) to discuss the first ever episode of Doctor Who (well…the other first ever episode of Doctor Who), as well as questionable novelisation content, and which Doctor would work well in The X-Files.

Podtor Whocast – Trailer

Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast
Podtor Whocast - Trailer

Vworping to a podcast feed near you March 8th, 2021, from Friendly Mushroom Productions – a podcast that covers every episode of Doctor Who (2005), Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, K9 and Class, as well as other bits and bobs, in broadcast order. It’s Podtor Whocast (it scans, alright?)