The Pauldcast Episode 3 – 2011 In Things That Were Important To Us/A 2011 Movie Draft

The Pauldcast
The Pauldcast
The Pauldcast Episode 3 - 2011 In Things That Were Important To Us/A 2011 Movie Draft

We’re back – and this time, we have a guest! Our good friend Alexander helps us navigate two important topics this week: lore, and movies. Join us as we each talk about something from the year 2011 that isn’t exactly Paul-related that we found to be interesting, or fascinating, or one of the above – whether it’s the abysmal Nintendo 3DS launch window, the St. Louis Cardinals’ run to the World Series, or hit television show Glee – before switching to a very special 2011 movie draft. We’ll tweet out a list of the selected movies after this ep is a couple of days old, but what you can tweet right now is a link to this episode – so your old high school lab partner whose face you no longer remember due to the unrelenting march of time can discover the podcast and say “woo-hoo!” like I am right now. Woo-hoo!

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