In an episode that is reportedly about The Infinite Quest, but is really more about the state of Doctor Who (again!), recorded when David was on the verge of falling asleep at midnight. He and Michel break down Doctor Who’s first venture in animation among other things.
Almost two months ago, Kenny and Ben recorded their longest episode ever with their pal Maggie. Now, due to a multitude of issues (Kenny’s laptop breaking) that episode went unreleased and the show went on hiatus much earlier than scheduled. But no longer. Presenting now, our biggest episode ever. Ben Stiller won Best Villain for his turn in Dodgeball but when the competition is A Series of Unfortunate Events, Collateral, Mean Girls, and Spider-Man 2, was he really the best choice? Spoiler alert: no he was not. Our trio breaks down why plus talks a lot about stuff I no longer remember because this was recorded months ago. Enjoy! The pod returns in September.
It’s time for the Time Lords to end! David and Michel talk about finale failings, John Simm’s performance, music rights, and more – it’s The Sound of Drums AND Last of the Time Lords!
Tori (@torlinnea) joined us for another episode as we discussed the hilarious S04E20 (nice) “Small Potatoes”. We talked Amanda Nelligan’s quest to watch Star Wars 400 times, the “loserness” of Mulder, and the 90s cop show vibes of this episode.
Tune in next time when we watch S04E21 “Zero Sum” and follow us on Twitter @condensedtruth!
Tori (@torilinnea) returned to discuss the beginning of the cancer arc with S04E14 “Momento Mori”! The writers bring us some high quality angst as Scully learns she has cancer and while she’s getting treatment, Mulder runs off action hero style to find answers, accompanied by the Lone Gunmen.
The last time that Simon Sweeney was on the show, he had just watched his first ever episode of Scooby-Doo. This time around, he watched his second. We couldn’t have picked a more classic episode to discuss this week, it’s either the second or third episode of Scooby-Doo ever, depending on who you ask. Listen along as Ethan and Simon discuss Fred’s mystery solving process, Daphne’s womanly intuition and Scooby’s love of John Wayne.
David and Michel break down Doctor Who’s first adaptation of expanded universe material, and also give a hearty L + Ratio to Ferb – it’s Human Nature AND The Family of Blood
In an episode that has a very uh, well…look, you’ll know exactly what happened as soon as you hit play, David is joined by Peter Quinn to discuss Doctor Who’s first (kind of??? because it doesn’t really stick to that run time) real-time episode, as well as Big Finish, Doctor Who videogames, and MUCH more. It’s 42!