Gamer Era – Coming Soon (Teaser Trailer)

Gamer Era
Gamer Era
Gamer Era - Coming Soon (Teaser Trailer)

Since the dawn of time, humanity has tried to establish just what it is about gaming that draws us in, shapes us, drives us to greater things. Whether it be the simple pleasure of Mario, the complex twists and turns of Master Chief, the beauty of Chuckie Egg, we have all been defined by what we play, in a way, wouldn’t you say? No? OK, well, look you could’ve just — this is ad copy, you could’ve just agreed with me and moved on, it’s not like–oh, oh I see how it is, I get it. You know what else I get? The fact we all have GAMER ERAs. Yeah! So join Sam and David as they delve into the games, consoles, and phenomena that have defined their lives and explore just what makes their Gaming Eras tick. Oh, now you’re back. Got you eating right out of my hand, don’t I? Good! Gamer Era premieres February 7th, available wherever you get your podcasts.

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