Gamer Era Episode 014 – Call of the Cyber-Maniac

Gamer Era
Gamer Era
Gamer Era Episode 014 - Call of the Cyber-Maniac

Dim the lights, set the stage – it’s gaming’s biggest night! After Sam swipes right on Nintendo’s clumsy first year in smartphone gaming, David rolls out the red carpet for Cybermania ‘94 – one of the industry’s earliest attempts at an Oscars-style game awards show. There’s surprise star appearances, incredibly stilted comedy bits, and the secret origins of gaming’s strongest warrior, Geoff Keighley. A gala ripe for the picking.

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Topics discussed: Goofy’s Fun House, Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom; Miitomo, Pokémon GO, Super Mario Run; Cybermania ‘94: The Ultimate Gamer Awards

Also mentioned: Fortnite, Sam gets a Steam Deck; The Mobile GB Adapter, iPad vs. 3DS, Angry Birds, Metroid Prime: Federation Force; Leslie Nielsen, William Shatner, Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, NBA Jam, Double Dragon V, Mortal Kombat

Music used:

  • International Superstar Soccer 2000 – Menu Music 3 (“Okay Fellas”)
  • Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom – Arcade Panik
  • Miitomo – Mii Studio
  • Super Mario Run – Underground Theme
  • Prestige Production – Neil Richardson
  • “The Naked Gun” Theme – Ira Newborne

Further reading:

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